Insurance policy religion

I spotted something on Bookface the other day. It wasn’t new, seen and heard it many times before, but somehow it resonated more loudly than usual. Resonated atonically, even discordantly. Rattled my jaw and got me feeling queasy. Something along the lines of:

“Rather die having lived a life as if God exists and find out there is no God, than die having lived as if there is no God and find out that ‘he’ does exist.”

Gah! Pure insurance policy religion. Where is the joy in this? Where is the part of “I am living this way because I want to and I am determined to do these things because I have a desire to be the best I can?”

Take your insurance policy religion to another door – it is not welcome here. If you are offended by my sentiment then that is your right – but go and be offended someplace else. I am offended by folks who believe they have a right or a religious obligation to try push me into living as if there is some invisible being that might punish me in this life or the mythical ‘next’ life. I choose to be the best I can because I want to, not for fear of punishment.

About gaiafrique

Writer and musician Gaia = Earth or earth goddess / Afrique = Africa
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2 Responses to Insurance policy religion

  1. I totally agree. no joy in a life that really.

    Liked by 1 person

    • gaiafrique says:

      It is a difficult thing Ruthie – I don’t want to be a “Bah, humbug!” type of person – but really I get so irritated by folks constantly attributing “good” things to their god, “bad” things to their god punishing someone or other – jolly great shame a whole load of other folks got in the way but clearly it was “their time” – and so on and so forth. It continues in the manner in which folks attribute their own success to their deity, their failures to their deity’s alter ego. Oh my word! If I do well, I take the praise, where I stuff up – I grow a pair of ovaries and take the blame and responsibility. Moving right on 🙂 – have a groovy day and thank you for commenting!


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